Mentorship Day at Appleton

Friday Novemeber 7th was a Mentorship day for all us Mentees ( about 4) to tour the Appleton Creative agency building and shadow our respective mentors and any others we wanted to learn from. It was a fantastic day and I got to learn so much about what they do, what they expect from potential workers, and how awesome an environment that whole company is!

I was able to work on a draft of a report cover for the agency as well and got to experience a part of their daily design routine, which was amazing and my Mentor Jennifer Graven was fantastic for setting it up. It will be shown to their client amidst their in house designer's amazing concepts as well!

Appleton is an out of this world company where the signature Yellow 1903 house reflects the overall experience inside. A one of a kind, homey, and welcoming creativity I had the honor to be a part of, if only for a day.

AD2 Orlando Mentorship Program

Big News!

I have currently started as a Mentee for Ad 2 Orlando's Mentorship program that runs through December of this year. I am so excited to learn about the industry and get involved in the Branding and Campaigning side of Graphic Design. I will update on this experience and work that comes from it as the program progresses! Big thanks to my Mentor from Appleton Creative.